A Beginner's Latte Art Workshop

Calling all coffee lovers in the state of New Jersey! Ever wonder how baristas pour those designs on your latte using just milk over espresso? In this creative 2nd Rule workshop, my co-instructor Brandon and I rang in 2020 teaching the ins and outs of latte art to the members of this class. The education piece is always more interesting than people realize it will be, as food is really a science! After several rounds of demonstration and hands-on repetition, the students created their own caffeinated masterpieces. A lot of spillage and laughter occur in the pouring of a latte heart! The bracket-style throwdown at the end always brings out the competitiveness in us. Workshops are easily a favorite for 2nd Rule and an unforgettable event for a group of friends!

Thank you Gerry, Marcelo, and Nancy for a truly fun class!